Coles Comfy Bots Nappies Review

I had such high hopes for the Coles Comfy Bots Nappies Review. I was looking for a replacement day time nappy instead of the Aldi's ones. From first impression, the Coles nappies appeared soft, and promising. However, after one nappy, my son started getting red marks on his legs. After two nappies, they got worse and started to look like nappy rash. So I had to throw them out, and the nappy rash quickly disappeared.

Unfortunately I can only give this a 1 star rating due to how quickly my son reacted to the nappies. I wouldn't dissuade anyone else from trying these nappies though. If your baby doesn't react to them, they may be a good day time option.

Box Size
Price per ea
Comfy Bots Infant
4 - 8kg
Comfy Bots Crawler
6 - 11 kg
Comfy Bots Toddler
10 - 15kg
Comfy Bots Walker
13 - 18kg
Comfy Bots Junior

Have you used Coles Comfy Bots Nappies before? Let us know what you think.

Baby Love Nappies Review

This is a good all round nappy. Affordable, comfy, and gets the job done.

This is currently my son's overnight nappy. Cheaper than Huggies, but still absorbent enough to last all night long. My son has had only one leakage at night so far.

The stretch waistband along the back provides good protection for those instances when babies decide to have a poo explosion. Double lining along the legs means the diaper is less likely to leak during heavy loads. I know I sound like an advertisement here - but I do genuinely believe these make a difference.

I love the green side tabs - they help me to easily identify which side is front and back. No more accidentally putting the nappy on backwards.

It's the little things that make this nappy great. Numbers along the top to help you correctly fit the diaper onto a wriggling baby. My son started wriggling alot at 7 months, refusing to lie still, tossing and turning to the side. The numbers helped me quickly attach one nappy side on, flip him over, and then quickly attach the other side.

Though there is no wetness indicator, I didn't find this was an issue. I change my son fairly regularly when I use this nappy during the day, and it is always heavy and full. I've never gone to change him, and found he hasn't peed at all.

Overall, I give this diaper a 5 star rating. Though I use this as an overnight nappy, it is still affordable enough for those who want to use it for both day and night times.


Box Size
Price per ea
Baby Love Cosifit Newborn
up to 5kg
Baby Love Cosifit Infant
3 – 8kg
Baby Love Cosifit Crawler
6 – 11kg
Baby Love Cosifit Toddler
9 – 14kg
Baby Love Cosifit Walker
12 – 17kg
Baby Love Cosifit Junior          
15 – 25kg
* Approximate prices as of Mar 2017.

Baby Love Nappy

Have you used Baby Love nappies before? Leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Aldi Mamia Nappies Review

At around 20c per nappy, these are cheap!

My son currently use these as his day time nappies despite the 3 star score.

From the outside, these nappies feel quite thin, and plastic. I think they are soft enough so my son isn't uncomfortable. However, I do make sure I change his diaper every couple of hours or so. Any less, and there will be risk of leakages. Since he currently goes through 6 - 8 diapers a day, I will keep using these until I find something better.

Usually these nappies are OK to contain normal poos and wees. However, when his poo is runny, or if he has a poo explosion, there will be major leakages down the legs, and up the backside. And then it's emergency bath time and change of clothes. This has only happened a handful of times to me in 8 months, so I am happy to accept the risk, and always keep a spare change of clothes handy. That's the major downside to these nappies. Only one line of protection along the legs, and no elastic backside protection at all.

If you choose to go Aldi, you do need to change baby's diaper regularly.

The absorbency of the Aldi Mamia nappies are OK, and manages to keep my son dry. He hasn't had any nappy rash at all since using these diapers.

Overall, I give the Aldi Mamia diapers a rating 3 star - the low cost of the diapers makes it a viable day time option.


My son no longer uses these, as we've found the woolies Little One's are the best amongst the cheaper diapers.


Box Size
Price per ea
Aldi Mamia SupaFit Newborn
up to 5kg
Aldi Mamia SupaFit Infant
4 - 8kg
Aldi Mamia SupaFit Crawler
6 - 11kg
Aldi Mamia SupaFit Toddler
10 - 15kg
Aldi Mamia SupaFit Walker
13 - 18kg
* Approximate prices as of Mar 2017.

Aldi mamia nappy

Have you used Ali Mamia nappies before? Leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Huggies Nappies Review

4 stars

I received a box of Huggies nappies as a present from a friend. Though these are the most expensive disposable nappies, they are also the most effective.

We put our son in Huggies nappies for his overnight sleep. In 8 months, there have only been 3 or 4 leakages. During the day, there have  been no leakes at all, up the back or down the side. Even really large poo explosions have been well contained.

The nappy is soft, with good double lining along the legs. I love the wetness indicator, which turns from yellow to blue. Even when full, the nappy still feels soft, and keeps our son dry. He has never had nappy rash from the Huggies nappies. Yay!

I found the Huggies nappies to be on the smaller size. I would always buy one size bigger - our son was around the 50th percentile.

The only downside of using Huggies nappies is the price, which is why I give it 4 stars.


Box Size
Price per ea
Huggies Newborn
3 - 5kg
Huggies Newborn
3 - 5kg
Ultra Dry Infant Care Jumbo Nappies Infant
4 - 8kg
Huggies Crawler
6 - 11 kg
Ultra Dry Infant Care Jumbo Nappies Crawler
6 - 11 kg
Toddler Nappies Girl Ultra Dry
10 - 15kg
Ultra Dry Infant Care Jumbo nappies Toddler
10 - 15kg
Walker Nappies
13 - 18kg
Junior nappies Ultra Dry
* Approximate prices as of Mar 2017.

You can get these slightly cheaper at Costco. I think we bought our Infant nappies for $63 for 196 nappies which equates to 32c each.

Have you used Huggies nappies before? Leave a comment and let us know what you think.